Step 1: Verify Address Location
The City of Helotes issues and permits and licenses for the City of Helotes Corporate City Limits only. A Helotes mailing address does not automatically mean the property is located within the City.
It is the responsibility of the individual applying for the permit to ensure that the location of the property is located within the City of Helotes Corporate City Limits.
Find the property on the Bexar County Appraisal District’s website to confirm permitting jurisdiction. Click Here to see how to determine permitting jurisdiction on the BCAD website. NOTE: A Helotes mailing address does not mean that the property is actually located within the City of Helotes jurisdiction. You must review the permitting jurisdiction on the BCAD website as explained above. Contact Development Services staff with any questions.
NO REFUNDS will be issued for permit or license applications incorrectly submitted due to a property being outside of the City of Helotes Corporate City Limits.
Step 3: Submit a Permit or License Application
Review the following list of permits and licenses and select the appropriate item to apply and submit payment.
*Items marked with an asterisk are applicable for properties located within the Helotes ETJ.
Development Services will work as quickly as possible to complete your request. Refer to each permit or license application for submission deadlines and processing times.
All outstanding fees are due prior to permit issuance.
**Effective December 13, 2021, Development Services will no longer issue same day tree trimming or tree removal permits. Tree trimming/removal permit applications must be submitted at least two business days prior to the proposed project start date. A submitted permit application does not gaurantee an approved permit.