Code Enforcement

Code Enforcement administers violations of the Helotes Code of Ordinances. Code violations are investigated, researched, and conducted by the Code Enforcement Officer. Violations are subsequently submitted to and prosecuted by Helotes Municipal Court.

Activities Requiring Permits in Helotes

Note: This is not a complete list of activities that may require a permit. Contact Development Services for more information, if needed.

  • Trade Work – Residents or contractors performing trade work (i.e., plumbing, electrical, decks, etc.) will require permits from the City of Helotes.
  • Banners & Signs – Temporary banners and commercial signage require City of Helotes permits.
  • Tree Trimming – Contractors must have a permit from the City of Helotes prior to trimming trees on properties located in the City of Helotes. Brush must be removed by the contractor before completing their work. Commercially cut brush is not permitted for pick up during Brush Pickup.

Code Enforcement


Roxanne Oliver
Code Enforcement
Phone: 210-695-5900