Solid Waste

Frontier Waste holds an exclusive franchise agreement with the City of Helotes for the following services:

  • Collection and disposal of all solid waste
  • Recycling
  • Bulk Collection
  • Brush Collection

Bulk and Brush items will have scheduled pick-up dates. Residents do not have to call to schedule pick-up. 

Please see Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below.

Click here to review the complete list of services offered by Frontier Waste.

Frontier Waste Updates FAQs

What is changing?

Trash & Recycling Carts 

  • Frontier is scheduled between the week of February 19th and the 23rd to deliver new trash carts
  • Frontier will also be picking up the C-6/Republic TRASH carts as we deliver new Frontier trash carts
  • The C-6/Republic recycle carts will remain in place but will be re-branded with Frontier Waste decals

Residential Services
Solid Waste Services:

  • Twice-per-week collection
  • Plus three (3) bagged solid waste and/or bundled brush
  • Not to exceed 50 lbs each
  • Bundles – Items not measuring over either forty-eight (48) inches in length or fifty (50) pounds in weight and which are securely fastened together, including, but not limited to, brush, newspapers, and tree trimmings.

Program Recyclable Materials Services:

  • Once per week collection
  • 96-gallon carts will be provided 

Program Household Hazardous Waste and Electronics Services:

  • At least once a year
  • At a specific site provided by the City

Trash/Recycling Pickup Routes and Days Will Change 

Bulk and Brush Pick Up Zones/Times Will Change

What are the garbage and recycling services provided to residents?

Waste Collection

  • Garbage collection will be twice a week, on schedules either Monday/Thursday or Tuesday/Friday.
  • Recycle collection will be once a week on Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday.
  • Frontier will provide updated collection zone maps

Standard Option

  • Two times per week, collect trash
  • One time per week collection on recycling
  • Both must be curbside by 7:00 am on pickup day

96-gallon cart for trash (Scheduled delivery February 2024)

96-gallon cart for recycling (Will not be replaced)

$30.15/month plus tax and a 6% franchise fee

For residents that require more than the standard option, you may request an additional 96-gallon cart for trash or recycling for an additional $15.00/month. Please contact the Frontier Waste office to schedule the service.

The City of Helotes will provide an annual Household Hazardous Waste Collection, which will be added to your bill at $1.20/month.

Senior citizens are eligible for a 5% discount. Please check with the city of Helotes to see if you qualify.

Residents may place up to 3 additional items next to their trash cart on their scheduled collection day. These items may consist of bags, boxes, or bundles of brush not to exceed 35 pounds each.

What are the residential price rates?

CLICK HERE for Residential Pricing.

What is the trash service schedule?

Monday/Thursday Services Neighborhoods

  • Los Reyes, Trails of Helotes, Old Bandera, Riggs, Antonio, Marion Hollow, Scenic Loop, Deer Trail, Old Scenic Loop, Mountain View, Floore Dr, Helotes Park Estates, Acadia Heights, Gardens at Windgate, Helotes Crossing, Evans Alley, Cedar Springs, Leslie

Click here to view the Monday/Thursday Trash Service Map.

Tuesday/Friday Services Neighborhoods

  • Helotes Ranch Acres, Hearstone, Hunters Ridge, Beverly Hills, Bricewood, Iron Horse Canyon, Wynstone, Siltillo Flats, Alta Loma, Alta Tierra

Click here to view the Tuesday/Friday Trash Service Map.

What is the recycling schedule?

Monday Services Neighborhoods

  • Los Reyes, Trails of Helotes, Old Bandera, Riggs, Antonio, Marion Hollow, Scenic Loop, Deer Trail, Old Scenic Loop, Mountain View, Floore Dr, Helotes Park Estates, Acadia Heights, Gardens at Windgate.

Click here to view the Monday Recycle Service Map.

Tuesday Services Neighborhoods

  • Evans Alley, Cedar Springs, Leslie, Helotes Crossing

Click here to view the Tuesday Recycle Service Map.

Thursday Services Neighborhoods

  • Evans Alley, Cedar Springs, Leslie, Helotes Crossing

Click here to view the Thursday Recycle Service Map.

Tuesday Services Neighborhoods

  • Iron Horse Canyon, Wynstone, Siltillo Flats, Alta Loma, Alta Tierra

Click here to view the Tuesday Recycle Service Map.

Friday Services Neighborhoods

  • Helotes Ranch Acres, Hearstone, Hunters Ridge, Beverly Hills, Bricewood

Click here to view the Friday Recycle Service Map.

What are the acceptable recycling materials?


Ad circulars, catalogs, carbonless paper, cardboard (flattened), dry goods packaging (remove liner), envelopes, file folders, gift wrap (non-metallic), junk mail, magazines, newspaper, office, paper, paperback books, paper bags, paper milk, and juice cartons, paper towel/toilet paper cores, phone books


Remove lids and rinse all food and liquids. Examples: beverage bottles, food and condiment bottles, and jars (jelly, mustard, mayonnaise). No mirrors, windows, ceramics, or other glass or glazed materials are allowed.

Metal Cans

Aluminum, steel, tin beverage, and food cans rinsed of all food or liquids. Aerosol cans were emptied and nozzles removed. Baking tins rinsed and remaining contents removed.


1,2,5, bottles, bowls, cups, food trays and tubs, jars, lotion, and shampoo bottles


bottles – all colors (beverage bottles), jars – all colors (jelly or condiment jar)


aluminum drink cans, aluminum baking tins, steel or tin food cans and lids, empty aerosol cans (remove the nozzle and discard in the trash)

Not Accepted

Plastic Bags, All Styrofoam, Meat trays, household trash, aluminum foil, appliances, auto glass, clothes, clothes hangers, computer cords, diapers, dead animals (dead animal pick-up), garden hoses, hardcover books, light bulbs, toys, plastic containers with hazardous materials, shredded paper, Styrofoam® formed packing or “peanuts”, trash bags, waxed paper and waxed food containers, yard trimmings

During the term of this contract, the City reserves the right to add or delete items.

What is the bulk and brush pickup schedule?

Bulk and Brush will be picked up on even months, Helotes will be divided into zones and each zone will be assigned a different week to set out Bulk/Brush. See below for zones and weeks assigned.

Bulky items and white goods shall not be visible from a public right-of-way at standing eye level except one week prior to the scheduled bulky items pick-up week. Covering the bulky items with tarps will not satisfy the requirements for storage out of public view.

Brush items shall not be visible from a public right-of-way at standing eye level except two weeks prior to the scheduled brush pick-up week. Covering the brush items with tarps will not satisfy the requirements for storage out of public view.

Bulk/Brush will be picked out in February, April, June, August, October, and December.

Bulk and brush must be in separate piles.
You can have a combined total of 12 cubic yards. Piles may NOT exceed this size. 


Bulk and Brush WEEK 1


Los Reyes, Trails of Helotes, Scenic Loop, Deer Trail, Old Scenic Loop, Mountain View, Helotes Park Estates, Acadia Heights, Gardens @ Windgate.


  • February 3rd
  • April 7th
  • June 2nd
  • August 4th
  • October 6th
  • December 1st

Bulk and Brush Week 1 Map

Bulk and Brush WEEK 2


Evans Alley, Cedar Springs, Leslie, Helotes Crossing.


  • February 10th
  • April 14th
  • June 9th
  • August 11th
  • October 13th
  • December 8th

Bulk and Brush Week 2 Map

Bulk and Brush WEEK 3


Iron Horse Canyon, Wynstone, Stltillo Flats, Alta Loma, Alta Tierra, Old Bandera, Riggs, Antonio, Marion Hollow, Floore Dr.


  • February 17th
  • April 21st
  • June 16th
  • August 15th
  • October 20th
  • December 15th

Bulk and Brush Week 3 Map

Bulk and Brush WEEK 4


Helotes Ranch Acres, Hearstone, Hunters Ridge, Beverly Hills, Bricewood.


  • February 24th
  • April 28th
  • June 23rd
  • August 22nd
  • October 27th
  • December 22nd

Bulk and Brush Week 4 Map

What does bulk and brush collection cover?

Residents will no longer be required to schedule bulk and brush collection. They will be collected at the same time but remember they need to be in separate piles.

  • We encourage residents to download the Frontier Waste app so they will have the most up-to-date service information
  • Residents can still receive on-call bulk collection but will have to pay an additional fee

What Bulk item collection covers

Most household furniture and fixtures including stoves, refrigerators (Freon Free), water heaters, washing machines, dryers, discarded bathroom fixtures, couches, tables, chairs, mattresses and box springs, television sets, and other bulky waste materials from within your home. Items such as swing sets, basketball goals, trampolines, playscapes, etc. must be disassembled before being placed curbside for collection or they will not be collected. Water treatment systems must be free of water and salt and light enough for two normal size men to lift into the back of a truck. Gas-powered equipment like lawnmowers, weed eaters, and blowers must be free of gas and oil.

What Bulk item collection does not cover

Refrigerators with Freon, waste from building materials/products resulting from contractor work or exceeding 35 lbs in weight, remodeling or demolition operations on the interior or exterior of your home or adjoining structures resulting from contractor work or exceeding 35 lbs in weight, roofing material of any kind, household waste, household hazardous waste, car parts including tires or batteries, motor oil, fuel, propane tanks, needles or expired pharmaceuticals, brush, grass, cardboard boxes, fencing material of any kind resulting from contractor work, decking material of any kind resulting from contractor work, hot tubs, rocks, bricks, dirt, concrete, ammunition of any kind, dead animals/animal feces.

Per Section 70-41 of the City of Helotes Code of Ordinances, Customers shall ensure that tree trimmings, tree cutting, and yard/garden clippings resulting from work done by a contractor are removed by the same contractor within 48 hours. Neither City employees nor Frontier Waste shall remove such materials.

CLICK HERE to view bulk collection item fees.

What are the commercial services provided to businesses in Helotes?

Call Frontier Waste at 210-807-8555 for pricing information

Commercial Front Load Containers provided by Frontier Waste Solutions.

2 cubic yards, 3 cubic yards, 4 cubic yards, 6 cubic yards, and 8 cubic yards,.Customers may request that their container be equipped with a lock or casters. There will be an additional fee for this.
Frequency of Pickup – From 1 to 6 times per week service

Commercial Cart Collection

96-gallon cart
Frequency of Pickup – From 1 to 6 times per week service

What are the commercial front load rates?

CLICK HERE for Commercial Front Load Rates.

Are roll-off containers available to residents?

Call Frontier Waste at (210) 807-8555 for pricing information

Offering construction and demolition debris removal and industrial/compactor rental and haul-off.

Container Sizes Available

Open tops

10 cubic yards, 20 cubic yards, 30 cubic yards, 40 cubic yards


Self-contained and Stationary compactors are available.

What are the roll-off price rates?

CLICK HERE for Roll-Off Pricing.

Does Frontier Waste have a mobile app?

Yes, download their mobile app to receive alerts & view your garbage & recycling schedule,


Available for iOS and Android.

CLICK HERE to view the Apple App.
CLICK HERE to view the Android App.
When will the service changes go into effect and when does the agreement with Republic Services end?

The new services will be implemented starting March 1, 2024. The agreement between the City and Republic Services will terminate on February 29, 2024.

Who is impacted by the service changes?

All City of Helotes residents and businesses will be impacted by this change.

Can I choose a different provider for solid waste and collection services?

No. The City of Helotes has an exclusive agreement with Frontier Waste, which makes this company the sole provider of solid waste and collection services within the Corporate City Limits of Helotes.

Who selects the solid waste provider for the City of Helotes?

It is common for municipalities to enter into agreements with one provider for a particular service, such as solid waste collection. The Helotes City Council reviews such agreements prior to approval to ensure competitive rates and efficient services are being offered to our community. The City uses a bidding process when looking for new municipal service providers as required by law.

Why does the City of Helotes have an agreement with only one provider?

By entering into an agreement with one solid waste provider, the City saves both money and time. A relationship with one provider gives the City flexibility to negotiate rates, terms of service, and offerings more efficiently when working with only one provider.

What is included with the Household Hazardous Waste and Electronics Program?

The Household Hazardous Waste and Electronics Program will be coordinated by The City of Helotes, not Frontier Waste.

The cost is $1.20 per month and will be billed quarterly, through Frontier Waste.

Residents and business owners will be notified on the City of Helotes webpage when this annual event is taking place.

Acceptable Items

  • Paints
  • Spray paint
  • Wood stain
  • Household cleaners
  • Compact fluorescent lamps(CFL)
  • Automotive products
  • Gasoline
  • Antifreeze
  • Pesticide
  • Insecticide
  • Household and vehicle batteries and,
  • More!
Who do I contact if I have a question or complaint about my service or bill?

Frontier Waste is available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Customers should call (210) 807-8555.

Customers may also email Frontier Waste  at

Frontier Waste is committed to customer service. Calls are normally returned within 24 hours on business days, excluding holidays.

How do I apply for the Senior Citizen Discount?

Any Helotes resident over the age of sixty-five (65) shall receive a five percent (5%) discount on Residential Unit Service so long as the said resident is both the actual occupant of the unit and the owner of the unit per the Bexar County Appraisal District.

To apply for the discount, please fill out the digital form here.

Frontier Waste

Email Frontier Waste

Pay Your Bill