
Helotes Police Department Mission

“The mission of the Helotes Police Department is the prevention of crime, preservation of public peace, protection of lives and property, the detection and arrest of violators, and the enforcement of all laws and ordinances.”

The Helotes Police Department sets out to achieve its mission by conducting themselves in an ethical and honorable manner.


Since its creation almost 40 years ago, the Helotes Police Department continues to protect and honorably serve Helotes residents, businesses, and visitors. The 23 sworn officers and two office employees that form the department take special pride in helping to make Helotes a safe place to live, work, and play. The Helotes Police Department strives to reduce crime and provide a safe City through:

  • Recognizing that its goal is to help people and provide assistance at every opportunity
  • Increasing citizen satisfaction with public safety and obtaining community cooperation through the department’s training, skills, and efforts
  • Providing preventative, investigative, and enforcement services
  • Realizing that the Helotes Police Department alone cannot control crime, but must act in partnership with the community and the rest of the Criminal Justice System

Police Department

Rob Hunley
Police Chief

Donnie Palacios


Krista Vaillencourt

Executive Secretary

Main Phone:
Fax: 210-695-1816
Non-Emergency: 210-695-2500
Crimestoppers: 210-695-4HPD
Email Police

Always call 911 during an emergency