Do Not Disturb

Do Not Disturb Listing

Notice by any City of Helotes resident may be given in advance that commercial solicitation is unwelcomed. We understand that some residents may not want to participate. As such, residents may complete the following form to be placed on the City’s Do Not Disturb listing.

This list is provided to solicitors when they obtain a permit from the City so they are aware of which households they should not visit.

Complete the Do Not Disturb Registration Form below to register for this service.

Do Not Disturb Registration Form

Pursuant to the Municipal Code of Ordinances, Chapter 62 Peddlers and Solicitors, City of Helotes residents may register their name and address with the Helotes Police Department to be placed on the Do Not Disturb list indicating that commercial solicitation is not welcomed at their residence. NOTE: The Do Not Disturb list will not apply to charitable, political, or religious solicitation.
Acknowledgment: By submitting this registration, I hereby attest that I am the lawful owner and/or occupant of the above address. I understand that by submitting this registration, my address will be placed on the Helotes Do Not Disturb list. Once on the list, I understand that commercial solicitors and peddlers shall not knock, ring the doorbell, or otherwise be at my residence. I further understand that this list has no expiration and that my address will remain on the list until I notify the City of Helotes in writing to be removed. Finally, I understand that the Do Not Disturb list and Chapter 62 will not prevent door-to-door charitable, religious, or political speech.

Police Department

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