Development Agreements

Planned Unit Development (PUD) Agreements

A Planned Unit Development (PUD) is a site-specific zoning district. PUDs provide for mixed-uses, a more flexible response to the market, and encourage a more desirable site plan design. The development quality must be equal to or better than what would be required by standard zoning. The Planning and Zoning Commission reviews PUD submittals and provides a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council has final authoritative action over PUD submittals. If approved, the PUD Agreement and zoning map amendment are adopted through Ordinance. For code information on this type of zoning, refer to Article VI. Planned Unit Development.

PUD #ApprovedNameLand Use
PUD#0101/25/2024Ord 22-17 Bandera RanchMixed Use
PUD#0110/13/2022Ord 22-17 Bandera RanchMixed-Use

Development Agreements

A Development Agreement is a contractual agreement between the City and the land owner relating to the development or redevelopment of a piece of property.  A Development Agreement aims to ensure that future growth is managed properly and cooperatively with the land owner. The agreement contains comprehensive building provisions in accordance with the zoning classification of the property and may contain negotiated deferrals and/or reimbursement terms. The City Council has final authoritative action over Development Agreements. If approved, the agreement is adopted through Ordinance. Listed below are the most recent agreements.

TypeApprovedNameLand Use
Development/Annexation1/23/2025Ord 25-03 Shaenfield CommercialCom
Amendment7/11/2024Ord 24-13 Bricewood lower U3; U4; lower U5Res
Amendment7/11/2024Ord 24-12 Bricewood U1-2; upper U3; upper U5; U6Res
Economic/Annexation7/11/2024Ord 24-11 Bricewood U6A Res
Assignment5/13/2021Ord 21-08 Bandera OaksRes
Development8/13/2020Ord 20-08 Bandera OaksRes
Economic/Annexation7/12/2018Ord 18-10 Bricewood lower U3; U4; lower U5Res
Assignment11/9/2017Ord 17-14 Bricewood U1-2; upper U3; upper U5; U6Res
Economic/Annexation1/22/2015Ord 560 Bricewood U1-2; upper U3; upper U5; U6Res

Development Services

Michael Gallardo
Development Services Coordinator
Phone: 210-695-5901

Nicole Mayfield
Development Services Specialist
Phone: 210-695-5947

Abigail Izquierdo
Permit Technician
Phone: 210-695-5914

Hours of Operation
8:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.
Closed Wednesdays