Community Wildfire Protection Plan
The purpose of the City of Helotes Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) is to protect human life and reduce property loss due to wildfires within the area. While reducing the threat of wildland fire is a primary motivation, managing area wildlands for hazardous fuel reduction and fire resilience is only one part of the overall CWPP.
Residents and visitors alike want healthy, fire resilient wildlands that provide habitat for wildlife, recreation, and scenic beauty. These wildland areas area a critical part of the community’es value and economy. The CWPP outlines a strategy for long-term success by identifying priorities for action and suggests immediate steps that can be taken to protect the community from wildland fires while simultaneously protecting other important social and ecological values.
Click here to review the City of Helotes Community Wildfire Protection Plan.
Firewise USA “Residents Reducing Wildfire Risks”
Firewise is a program that provides a framework to help neighbors get organized, find direction, and take action to increase the ignition resistance of their homes and community. A growing network of over 1,500 sites from across the U.S. have been recognized for preparing and protecting their homes. Learn more about Firewise USA.
Helotes’ First Firewise Community – Los Reyes Canyon
The HFD and the Texas A&M Forest Service have recognized Los Reyes Canyon as a Firewise Community. Los Reyes Canyon is the first community in Helotes to be recognized since our program’s inception in 2002. A Firewise designation requires homeowners to meet with local and regional fire services to assess the condition of flammable vegetation and building materials in the neighborhood.
Los Reyes Canyon’s Board of Directors worked with the Firewise committee to provide newsletters, electronic communication, and public forums to homeowners to educate the community about the Firewise Community Plan. The Home Owner’s Association Board of Directors also approved brush clearing and tree trimming efforts throughout the common areas of the neighborhood.
Congratulations Los Reyes Canyon!
If your neighborhood is interested in learning more about the Firewise program, contact us at 210-695-3572 or email Fire.